15 Marzo 2022 - 19:06 . Media

“Dear Russian friend, I am writing to you …”, a contribution to peace that each of us can make

RomaH24 launches the #caroamicorussotiscrivo campaign.

Luigi Carletti, the head of RomaH24, has written an email to his colleague from St. Petersburg, Ivan. We publish here below the text of the mail as a possible example for anyone who wants to follow this initiative.

Anyone who has contacts in Russia (friends, relatives, colleagues or even simple acquaintances), or know Russians who live in other parts of the world, can send them this message or a similar one. In this way, a network of a better awareness can be created, which will certainly bring important results. 

So try to think about who you know, go through your contacts, memories and addresses, turn your diaries and agendas upside down: and write. It is one of the few concrete things that each of us can do to contribute to peace today. Let’s do it!

We know that communications are controlled. We know that there is censorship and there is a very strong propaganda that tells the Russians a story very different from the reality. But global interconnectedness is now superior to any attempt to controll communications. Ours is an attempted campaign to stop the war, to help Russian citizens understand what is really happening in Ukraine. It is a small thing, we are aware of it, but if many of us do partecipate, it will get bigger.

This is the text of the letter written by Luigi Carletti:

Dear Ivan,

I am writing to share with you a strong sense of pain and disbelief about what is happening in Ukraine.

The massacre that the Russian army is carrying out is foreshadowed as one of the most horrific crimes ever committed by one country to another country. We know that many of you are getting different news, but unfortunately the reality is following: thousands of innocent people are dying in Ukraine. Children, women, young and old, men who until a few days ago had an absolutely normal life: this is an absurd massacre. Many young Russian soldiers are dying, but nothing is said about this to you, or, even worse, you are told the stories that are very far from the reality.

I am well aware that it is difficult to do something, but please at least try to get some information from sources that are not controlled by the official propaganda. Please, think about how would you feel if what is happening today in Ukraine,  would happen in your city and to the people you love.

You need to know what is really going on to stop the war, to stop this massacre, the enormous dishonor of which risks to follow Russian people for generations. The civilized world is watching you: you should do something. What you can. What it takes.

Your friend,

Luigi Carletti